Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New information stimulates my creative process. I need it, love it, can't live without it. Appreciation of life and nature provide this for me. Quelching the thirst for stimulation through the quaffing all that is around me. Smelling the sweet fragrance of the peach blossoms, listening to the mellifluous sound of the a soft breeze that brushes gently against your ear on a warm sunny summer day. Experienceing local society, engaging the unlikely friend. Reversing perspectives changing angles looking through mirrors. If I didn't, I would let let life pass me by transforming the verdant rain forest my life is into an arid desert of monotony that it has become for so many. Art is my way of giving this stimulation back to those whom have been so kind to share with me in the hope that I may supply some irrigation to others.


The Devil Himself said...

Hi. Yes. One post is not going to cut it. (You're better than that.)

Anonymous said...

Your painting entitled "Serendipity" is my favorite of your works. I like that it is monochromatic and the face is in an interesting position on the canvas and not the usual "bull eye" centered composition seen in most paintings depicting a face.

I would like to see more of your sculptures displayed.


The Devil Himself said...

I'd like to see another post. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...


Checkout the Kelly Lynch Fan Blog...


I had to give you your due.


Anonymous said...

Kelly Almighty


Anonymous said...

Great work.